Starting a New Student Organization

Registering a student organization at UNC Asheville is simple and pain-free! We want to make sure that you are supported every step of the way through this process. Once you have a group of students ready to get involved, check out the 4 easy steps below to become a Registered Student Organization (RSO)!


  1. Find 5 people. You must have a President, a Treasurer, and 3 general body members.
  2. Create a Constitution using this helpful template.
  3. Apply for recognition by visiting the Organizations page on Rocky Connect and clicking “Register an Organization.” This form will be sent to the Student Organization Council (SOC) for review.
  4. Schedule a meeting with SOC by emailing After you meet with SOC, a member from the Campus Life team will fill out this request form to obtain a student organization email account. This form is routed through ITS for review. Student Organizations will be notified once the email address has been created, which can take up to 3 weeks.


RSOs need a Constitution in order to be formally recognized. Here is the template. Be prepared to outline your RSO’s mission statement and officer position responsibilities.

Organizational Structure

The structure you use to lead your RSO is up to you, as long as there is a President who serves as a reliable primary contact, and Treasurer who oversees the RSO’s budget. All RSO officers must be currently enrolled UNC Asheville students. You may add additional officer roles, such as Social Media Coordinator, Co-President, and Recruitment Chair. The Campus Life encourages RSOs to connect with the greater Asheville community, but no more than 30% of your RSO’s membership can be made up of non-UNC Asheville students.

Advisor Responsibilities

The advisor role is recommended, but not required! RSO advisors must be a UNC Asheville faculty or staff member, or they must be pre-approved by Campus Life. For any questions with approvals, please contact the Student Organization Council (

If selecting an advisor, RSOs will want to take great care in choosing a person who possesses the right mixture of traits, skills, interests, and motivation. The best-fit advisor has the ability to enhance the organization’s potential and purpose. Though the officers in the organization are transient, the advisor should be constant. A strong advisor will provide continuity, stability, and a sense of tradition to the organization. In addition, an advisor may be helpful in order to:

  • Assist in achieving its goals by: providing a continuance of the traditions and history of the organization, assisting in the development of positive community relations, making sure the group is aware of university guidelines and helps the university hold the organization accountable, and providing advice when called upon.
  • Provide activities teaching the techniques and responsibilities of good leadership by: coaching the officers in the principles of good leadership and organization practices, teaching the elements of effective group operations, helping the group develop procedures and plans of action, keeping the group focused on its goals, and helping to keep the atmosphere of the group positive, healthy and constructive.
  • Provide an atmosphere for individual members’ growth in group socialization process by: being aware of individuals’ needs and reasons for joining the group and by helping the officers to be aware of those individual needs, being available to discuss individual problems within the context of the group, creating a learning atmosphere for the growth of the members, helping the individuals become effective members of the organization and community, and encouraging the growth of personal leadership skills among the members.
  • Point out new perspectives and directions to the group by initiating new programs and new program ideas and stimulating discussions from different points of view so that the group develops new levels of awareness and methods of function.


The University of North Carolina Asheville is committed to a policy of open access to organizations. Any such organization that wishes to apply for use of university meeting space, the university’s name, or UNC Asheville as an address or to apply for Campus Commission funds, must first seek recognition through the Campus Life Office. To receive recognition, full membership and participation must be available to all UNC Asheville students without regard to age, race, color, creed, national origin, disability, religion, religious status or historic religious affiliation, military veteran status, political affiliation or sexual orientation. Membership and participation in the group must also be open without regard to gender, unless exempt under Title IX. Student groups that select their members on the basis of commitment to a set of beliefs (e.g., religious or political beliefs) may limit membership and participation in the group to students who, upon individual inquiry, affirm that they support the group’s goals and agree with its beliefs (UNC BOG POLICY 2014). All students must further comply with all university policies and laws. Please note that the Campus Life Department may, at any time, request that an organization submit or resubmit a Constitution or a Statement of Purpose. All of this must be typed and submitted in person to Campus Life whenever you make changes to your Organization or its leadership.